Video Clips for Train the Top Dog Way BLOG
Here are some video clips to go along with our Train the Top Dog Way BLOG:
For our "Doggy Willpower?" Does Your Dog Have Impulse Control? Blog
Betsy Doing Play and Settle with Puppy "Zen":
Puppy "Zen" Does a Restrained Recall:
Linda Training "Spell", "Heart" and "Reese":
For our "Just CHUTE the Dog: Using Training Aides Effectively" Blog
Using a Barrier for Heeling:
Using a Barrier to Teach the Stand:
Using Chutes for the Recall:
Using a Front Chute in the Recall:
Using the Front Chute for Angle Fronts:
Using Front Sticks:
Using Sticks and String, Cheat Board and Flower Flat for the Broad Jump:
Using Chute Boards to teach the Turn and Sit for the Go Out:
Using Chutes for the Go Out: